Late again. I blame the head shape--looked fine in lineart, and then when I added color I realized the hairline and the faceline didn't quite match, so I had to do some emergency fixin'. It's rare that I'm satisfied with a lineart and then dissatisfied with the flats.
After two months of intense voting by the fine folks over at 2ch (as well as a handful of weeaboo hangers-on,) Kagami Hiiragi of Lucky Star was officially* named the most moe anime girl of 2007 on November 2. Congratulations, and no, the choice of outfit doesn't mean I wanted Hatsune Miku to win instead. (I'm a Matsuri man all the way.)
* to the greatest extent possible, which admittedly still isn't very much
As you probably don't know, the Sola manga is being localized in North America this summer, by Broccoli Books. Therefore, I've drawn heroine Matsuri Shihou manga-style, in her alternate outfit from the manga. It's a nice break from CGing (and it only took a quarter of the time.)
Shiro Tougi (left), Erika Sendou (middle) and Kiriha Kuze from Fortune Arterial, the hot new dating sim from August, the makers of Yoake Mae Yori Ruri Iro Na. Woo!
Sola's Matsuri Shihou, as she appeared in the flashback sequences. I took a liberty or two with the kimono. (The black color doesn't count, it was that color in the original design by Naru Nanao, and as we all know, Naru is <3.)
Trying out actual physical inking for the first time. Still very much learning, as you can see. Anyway, here's the lovely and talented Matsuri Shihou from Sola.
More pose practice. The subjects this time are Sakuya Izayoi, from Touhou, and Feena Fam Earthlight, from Yoake Mae Yori Ruri Iro Na. The theme this time is undressing, Feena being without her skirt and Sakuya being without, well, all her clothing.
Pose practice. No particular reason behind the choice of subjects (Matsuri Shihou from Sola [left], Hina Kagiyama from Touhou) besides that they're highly cute.